20 prompts to reveal what you really have to say.

As an entrepreneur, coach, healer, human, you have so much more to say than you think.

If part of you feels like you don’t know what that is…that’s not you.

That’s conditioning that has taught us to play roles, fit a mold, and hide in plain sight.

  These 20 prompts will help you witness your core truth, wisdom, conviction and humor, uncensored.

       They will support you in cutting through the noise of everyone else’s echoes and let your own truth be seen, heard, remembered. 

First to you. And then for the people who need to hear it most.

These prompts will reveal:

The stories your people won’t be able to stop reading

The pure gold wisdom you’ve had locked up for too long

What your voice sounds like when you’re not playing a role

Endless wildly-genuine ideas for talks, newsletters & social posts